The Impending Sports Analytics Doom

How the latest obsession with statistics and data are sapping the drama from our sports world. Following the dramatic conclusion of the Super Bowl a couple of months ago, the sports world exploded into a frenzy of overreaction. Most notably, the final sequence of events, in which Seattle’s offense elected to throw the ball on […]

Spinning the “Could Have Been” Wheel

Three cautionary “what-if” teams from the past twenty years Although Jim Armstrong already outlined some of the better known “what-if” teams from the last two decades, here’s a look at three more that had unlucky bounces, unfortunate events, or just plain incompetence derail their bright futures and thwart their chance at greatness.   2011-12 San […]

The Top 5 ‘What If’ Teams Since 1995

In sports we often lament injuries, blown calls and other circumstances that influence the outcome of games, series and even seasons. After taking you through the Top 5 ‘What If’ players since 1990, whose careers were derailed by either drugs or injuries, I dig into the top 5 ‘What If’ teams. These teams had all […]

Top 5 ‘What If’ Players since 1990 – Careers Derailed by Injuries or Drugs

In sports we banter so often about the shot that didn’t drop or the call that was never made for our team…both occur within the field of play that altered the outcome of a game. We also inevitably discuss injuries…turned ankles, torn knee ligaments and bad backs, that stymied championship contenders and leads to the […]